5 years Goodgame Empire – the hype lives on!
Today we are celebrating a very special day at Goodgame: five years ago on this day, our browser game Goodgame Empire first saw the light of day! Five years – that’s an eternity in the world of online games. We’re therefore happier than ever about our loyal Empire fan base, and we bet there are some castle lords who have been with us since the very beginning. A few more players have signed up for Empire in the meantime, of course, and are now busy conquering the medieval online worlds with their castles. The game currently boasts 85 million (!) players – that’s more than the entire population of Germany!
Even in its fifth year, Empire still has a lot going for it. One especially large and special update was the alliance cities update, which was actually suggested by our players. Since then, players have been able to join together with their alliance members to build a city that features a completely new design. In the Battle of Empires, castle lords from all over the world faced each other in an epic competition, and the most successful sovereign was even invited to our studios in Hamburg.
As one of our first and most popular games, Empire also holds a special place in the hearts of us Goodgamers. Since the company itself is only seven years old, Empire has been with us most of the way. When we look back on all the years together, we even get a bit nostalgic. Some high points were definitely the audience awards that Empire raked in: “Best European Browser Game” and the “BÄM! Award”. Other highlights include our TV commercial that has been broadcast to living rooms around the globe.
Goodgame Empire and the mobile version Empire: Four Kingdoms (the smartphone version), currently reside in the Strategy Games Studio. This studio is led by the former product manager of Empire, Philipp Knust. He and his team don’t just develop new content for these two games; they also create completely new game worlds for still unreleased titles. We took a look inside the studio, and we can confirm that the team is definitely not lacking when it comes to creativity and passion. We expect great things to come!