Goodgame up close: Valeska, Matt, and Steffi instagram for you!
If you follow us on one of our social media channels, you already know that we like to keep you up-to-date on everything that happens at Goodgame! For example, you’ve already met many of our colleagues and teams; we’ve taken you behind the scenes in game development, like when an exciting update was on its way; and of course we’ve told you all about our other highlights, whether it’s the launch of a new game or a sofa concert in our café.
Now we’re ready to take our social media to the next level by giving you a picture of what we do here, in the truest sense of the word! To this end, we tracked down the Goodgamers Valeska, Matt, and Steffi and asked them to join our social media team as Instagram posters – with photos of their actual everyday work! Since they come from very different areas, namely campus services, game development, and the event team, their exciting posts are sure to keep you entertained!
If you don’t want to miss anything, you can follow us on Instagram under @goodgame_studios. Of course, first we have to introduce you to our three new Instagrammers and their jobs and preferences.
Valeska: Lifestyle posts about campus life
With a workplace at the heart of Goodgame (our reception desk), Valeska gets to see almost everything going on in the company. Together with her colleagues, she serves as the first point of contact for many teams and helps out in many different areas, such as the feelgood, event, and office design teams. We’re also very curious to see what she will show us!
Feel free to visit Valeska at her private Instagram account under @valeluja. Valeska and her team have already been featured in a blog post if you’d like to learn more.
Matt: Everything about games, design, and … food
Matt is a UI artist in our Casual Studio and works directly on the product. As a veteran Instagrammer, his favorite posts are about burgers and traveling, but now he’s decided to take out his camera in our office as well. We can’t wait to get to know his team and accompany him through his daily work.
You can find Matt’s private Instagram account under @haveyoumetmatt. If you’d like to get to know him better, you can find a video and interview with 5 Questions for Matt in our blog.
Steffi: Photos of event team activities
As a part of the event team, Steffi is always at the forefront of any Goodgame event. Whether she’s at today’s summer party or events organized for smaller groups such as swing golf, barbecuing, and our user group meetings – Steffi will take you along with her and give you a taste of life at Goodgame.
Steffi is on the go on Instagram under her private account: @stefanie.haaserich. If you’re curious to learn more, check out this blog post where we introduced Steffi and her team. Happy reading!
Come and visit us under @goodgame_studios! If you’d like to support our Instagramming trio, likes and comments are always more than welcome. 🙂