It is no surprise that a gaming company like Goodgame Studios employs many artists with a variety of specializations. Many of them design the figures and landscapes in the games and are responsible for giving each game its own individual personality. Less well known is that the company itself is also given a unique identity in terms of visual representation. Taking care of this we have a whole team known as Corporate Branding and Concepts. It is their mission to turn ideas into creative concepts and printed and manufactured products in order to create a corporate image for Goodgame Studios. “We’re like an advertising agency, but positioned within the company,” explain the designers. Read more

Mobile Games: The New Industry Trends in 2016

Last week’s hotly anticipated Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas showcased the latest ideas in entertainment technology for 2016. Along with state-of-the-art drones, televisions, VR headsets, and smartphones, gaming was, of course, also a focus at the trade show. Video games are among the most popular entertainment products in the world. This is hardly surprising, given how games have conquered our mobile devices: the days when games were just played on consoles and PCs are long gone. Anyone with a smartphone or tablet (and who doesn’t have one nowadays?) has almost certainly tried out a game or two. 37% of Germans play on their smartphone or tablet at least once a week. What’s more, people play everywhere – buses and trains are swarming with people playing puzzle, quiz, and strategy games to pass the time. This seemingly infinite target group is a reason that the future of the gaming industry is looking decidedly rosy. It is for this reason that Goodgame Studios also focuses on mobile titles and has already published the most successful German-made app in the world. Our colleague Patrik Wilkens is Mobile Product Lead for one of our new games. Here you can read about which mobile trends and challenges he thinks will shape game development and marketing in 2016. Read more

Legends of Honor – How our brand-new medieval epic came to life

“A fierce battle is raging in a kingdom ravaged by war. For centuries, three opposing factions have been fighting for power in this brutal world. Powerful heroes lead vast armies into battle, prepared to give their lives for glory and honor. They hope to return from the battlefield laden with loot, their banners waving gloriously in the breeze, and celebrated by their people and allies.

Who is ready to make a name for themselves in a kingdom where the battle for honor defines the course of time and the threat of defeat is ever-present? No age has ever called for such brave heroes – and the bravest among them will become the legends whose names survive for millennia to come.” Read more

Statement on Working Situation

Layoffs are a highly emotional topic that evokes strong reactions. It is therefore understandable that the media are treating it in a very biased way. Some things were written about Goodgame Studios as an employer in this context that do not match the facts and have nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

Goodgame Studios is a young company which has created more than 1280 jobs for people from nearly 70 nations within only six years. This makes us very proud.

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Statement on Layoffs and Works Council

Goodgame Studios is well and truly a Hamburg company, which is why we are weather-proof, even when a particularly heavy wind is blowing. We currently find ourselves in the midst of a media storm. Goodgame Studios is accused of laying off staff because those employees  were planning to found a workers’ council.

We would like to take the opportunity here to comment on and respond to some of the speculations and accusations in the press from our point of view.

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How Goodgame Studios Fuses Art & Science

Who do you picture when you think about a designer or an artist? Maybe Andy Warhol, renowned for his pop art? And now picture a scientist – perhaps you see a gray-haired Albert Einstein in a white lab coat, standing next to a board covered with complicated formulas as he investigates the laws of nature? Goodgame Studios has artists and scientists as well, even if they don’t necessarily look like Warhol or Einstein. The two worlds collide in all areas of Goodgame Studios, such as when data analysts encounter marketing artists, game researchers talk to game designers, and user experience researchers work with user interface designers. Read more