5 questions for: Dorothee, Vector Artist

More than 1,200 employees work at Goodgame Studios – more than 1,200 people with different talents, personalities, and stories working together to make Goodgame Studios one of the world’s leading gaming software developers. From technical specialists like server developers or business intelligence experts, to creative designers and artists, to community managers and the feelgood team, the list is endless.

We’ve therefore spiced up our blog with regular interviews with our employees in which we ask them 5 questions. First in line is Dorothee, a vector artist at Goodgame Studios. Read more

How To Build A Great Game Development Studio

Not long ago – in the beginning of this year, to be precise – Goodgame Studios went through a major change. Within only a month, seven new and independent game development units were created in order to speed-up production and focus on new game genres, ranging from strategy to role playing and simulation. It was a very exciting development and it still is, as the first new games are soon coming out of these studios. It was also a very challenging endeavor, because new studio heads had to be found, new teams had to be created and new workflows established. One of these new development units is the Casual Studio, headed by Daniel Persson. Having gone through the process of building a new studio, he recently shared his secrets for a passionate and successful team. Naturally, we’re going to let you in on the details. Read more

GOOD Teams – Community Management

For some people, the hype surrounding online MMOs still remains a mystery, and I must admit that I felt similar before my time at Goodgame Studios. When I started working here, I realized that the enthusiasm for games like these extends even further than I would have ever believed. Our titles alone are being played by millions of people who log in from all over the world to help each other complete missions or simply want to spend time sharing a hobby with their friends. During my time here, I’ve learned that in addition to gameplay, the interactions between players and the friendships formed in the game are important reasons for the massive popularity of online MMOs. There is so much interest in interaction that many players also meet on platforms outside of the game, such as the official forums or the game’s Facebook page. These pages are also the playgrounds of our community managers who share the passion of our player community. Read more

Happy Halloween – Spooky traditions from around the globe

“Trick or treat!” will be the phrase of the day tomorrow as kids disguised in all sorts of costumes go from house to house to collect goodies on this spine-tingling holiday. Halloween and other holidays with a similar background are celebrated all around the world. And since our employees come from over 65 nations, we asked them about spooky ghost traditions from their homelands. But before we introduce you to the hair-raising details, we’ll explain the origins of Halloween itself. Read more

GOOD Teams – Feeling good with the feelgood team

There are countless reasons why you should work in a gaming company. For example, our games let us brighten the everyday lives of people around the globe. Since most game developers are also enthusiastic gamers, they feel extra passionate about their jobs and strive to instill other gamers with the same excitement that they feel for their favorite titles. When we identify with our jobs so strongly, the border between professional and private life starts to blur. This is an especially important issue for Generation Y, which is heavily represented at Goodgame Studios, where the average age of employees is 31 years old. Read more