Another top student at Goodgame Studios

We can’t say it often enough: we could never be as successful as we are now without our wonderful team! Here at Goodgame Studios, we not only offer on-site training courses to develop our employees’ skills, we also offer an opportunity for dual student-employees to develop their skills and knowledge under real conditions. Our colleague Julian, who’s been a member of the Goodgame team for more than four years, recently completed his dual study program. As the valedictorian of his class, he can now proudly display his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

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GOOD Family Advent

Our feelgood management team planned an extra special treat for our employees and their children this year, and transformed our café to hold the first ever GOOD Family Advent! This event was a great way to engage with our employees with young families.  With over 1,100 employees currently in our Goodgame Studios team, we definitely have a growing Goodgame family! We invited all Goodgamers to bring their little ones to this festive evening. In total, over 50 children joined us at our café and were greeted by the Christmas angel.

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The right leadership for successful growth

Here at Goodgame Studios, we strive to  engage  our managers with thought provoking training seminars. We recently welcomed Henning Böhne, Executive Partner of the Malik Group, for the latest lecture in our Incentive series. Over 100 of our managers participated in his presentation titled, “Good growth through good leadership”.

While growth and constant change are nothing new to Goodgame, they still pose a big challenge. Every month, approximately 50 new employees join our company and expand our existing teams or create completely new ones. To ensure that all of them feel settled here and can get down to work straightaway, we need more than just our already outstanding working atmosphere. We need excellent managers too. The talk addressed precisely this point and provided a good source of knowledge and inspiration for our heads, leads, and senior management.

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